I'm just getting the PMP DVD orders ready to send out tomorrow morning and I've had a look ahead in the BBC weather site for what it's worth. I think that I should get at least four days out filming albeit some of the destinations are diverse locations and I won't be able to double up that much. The common factor for the weather this coming week seems to be the cold, snow and wind which means plenty of wrapping up. I've got my good coat which has proved effective so far and with hat, scarf and gloves and extra socks its only the fingers which really get to you. After I take Sue and Mandy to the airport I intend to carry on back down to Stoke and finish off there the film I started back in January when I had the run in with the Polish First group driver. At present Tuesday is penciled in for Shrewsbury and Telford then Wednesday the new bus station at Lincoln. Thursday Doncaster, Friday Worcester and Saturday Derby. Now that's all very provisional and depends on my work load. I'm nearing the end of my minitry course assignment, it took several hours yesterday and a few more today. I hope to have it finished substantially tomorrow and will then check through and send to my oppo churchwarden Keith to proof read. Then I'll send to vicar Jane and Reader Ann to make sure it makes sense and hits the learning outcomes expected. Hopefully that will see it submitted next weekend with a week to spare. I need to look ahead to the next segment of the course which commences Monday evening after out two week half term break. I've also made quite a lot more progress with our trip to Reunion and Madagascar in November although the two companies we've tried to contact recommended in Lonely Planet have already vanished and it was quite a new edition. It's my first sermon at St Oswald's this evening, friend Sue will come along and Tom is coming for additional moral support, not that nervous or anything it's nothing I haven't done in the distant past! I've filmed away another huge number of pictures from the Asian trip and from them some truck shots for our evening slide show. Keep hitting those Youtube adverts the revenue is rising nicely and will help pay for the lonmg distance trips this year. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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