Thanks to our customer who spotted a problem with our still photo sales site hosted by Smugmug which had a photo of an Algerian tram instead of a watermark on many of the galleries which blocked the whole of the photos, this has now been rectified throughout the entire site. Remember that shots are being added every week. A damp day again, the coming week looks like being a hard one in which to prejudge the weather and towards the back of the week some wintry conditions seem set to return. My car is booked in for service on Friday and Monday looks very wet so I've Tues wed and Thursday to play with. I've continued downloading films which may well produce an interesting feature on buses in Sussex, well Southdown really plus a few bits and pieces on the way. Mandy has a rotten cold yet again, more like the throat and chest virus I got rather than the nasty head cold she caught in December. Guess it's all going around in circles. I haven't really got anything in particular done today, that said lots of emails on various topics floating around and I had a catch up chat with John Bishop down in Sussex. I've some film from the Sussex windmill trust which i need to copy before I go down there for Detling in March. The days just seem to whizz by, we are having drinks before dinner with a good bottle of Sancerre to help the chicken on its way, we have whats left in a risotto on Monday. Without anything in particular to offer but mindfull that I'm promoting the Smugmug site which is way underutilised at present here is a random dip now where will i land. Well bless me its the Stobart file in our commercial section Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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