Hi everyone it was an early start this morning up at four thirty am and I the arrow cars taxi was late as usual, gone really downhill since it started. The airport was very busy but we got through fine, good job Mandy I had her own wheelchair as assistance was forty minutes for those wiyhour. We got delayed due to fog Cli for an hour and then landed at a different terminal in Barcelona which confused Albert when collecting us at the airport. We met up with Gemma at the market care for lunch then when out to the small museum for a local operator we had last encountered on the bus rally a few years back. Now they have a really nice little museum but it only shows the oldest of their machines and they have dozens more in their depots. We got some modern shots to go with it and then back to the city, just waiting to out for dinner with Albert and roser. It's so good to see them we haven't caught up for years and somuch has happened in-between. Tomorrow we go to Zaragoza to see their trams, it should be partly sunny and reasonably warm, certainly a better temp than six in Cheshire this morning. Just waiting to go out for dinner, it's all been a bit of a rush as I didn't get back from the Chester university course until ten thirty PM and managed to leave Mandy's cake carrier bending but it's safely stored I believe. We picked up the news that Yvonne and Graham have got into their new home safely and look forwards to seeing it soon.dit.
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