A couple of very busy days. Thursday as announced we went down to film at Bristol which was a pleasure and then went on to Bath which wasn't. I've only a couple of words to say FIRST GROUP AND POLISH. I'll leave you to conjecture the scene which will not be allowed to drop. I must admit at one stage yesterday I was tempted to pull the plug on buses all together and just concentrate on the lorries which seem not to attract any of the hostility and violence now being encountered with these EU nationals. Bristol and the weather was light cloud as forecast with lots of vehicles I hadn't seen and quite a change in the smaller operators including Wessex . Lots of variety about, colourful and busy. The DVD has already been made but I've yet to do a cover. Bath will be long running, about 70 minutes I think and again was interesting with plenty of variety. The police there are very friendly and I got smiles and waves from all four of their cars and vans which passed. The sun was out which now that the sun gets a lot higher in the sky is no longer the scourge it is in winter. It was a bitter blow to run into such an atmosphere after I'd had a great time jn Bristol. We are a couple of days behind in photo coverage but as today was dominated by the snow which came overnight and lasted through the day really needs some illustration particularly for the folk in warmer climes. I went to Macclesfield and Leek, I was unable to get to Buxton the only remaining road open from our direction was via Leek and this was then blocked by a jack knifed lorry, I'd already abandoned the run as too dangerous and I saw the foreign ( i think) wagon hammering through the snow, as I got back to town there were three fire and rescue vehicles heading out into white out conditions. Back home its more wet than snow. I then did some preparation work on the bathroom ready for painting tomorrow. I had to nip down to B&Q for some bathroom anti mould sealant which stinks and is very messy. On the way back from Somerset yesterday we stopped off at friends Sues place and ended up staying for dinner and didn't get back until nearly midnight. Our lovely neighbours thought we must have gone away and forgotten to tell them so closed up the curtains for us. Anyway I give you some snow scenes from this afternoon. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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