Another day of doctors etc, the consultant at the Alexander Hosp was very helpful and reassuring, but I can't get an appointment with his optician until 8.30 Saturday which I guess after many phone calls I'm stuck with. Specsavers at Ellesmere Port have been pretty shabby in their support and going anywhere else means starting at square one over again and ditto for another hospital. I went to the Holmes Chapel surgery first thing, in fact first in the queue, our doctor Claire Taylor was back in but only catching up with correspondence, patient notes etc. They took my blood pressure which remained high , this was an afternoon appointment, waited an hour and got an ECG done. Claire ok'd a low dose blood pressure prescription and with follow up appointments the diary is filling up with medical buph. I got a call from Julie, one of our small group on the ministry course, it was a nice thought and we had a good chat Mandy and I went to fill up her car, saving about a quarter of a penny at ASDA only to find that the pump was going slow! It's unmanned so no one to tell, tried another pump, time wasted beat any saving.We did our shopping in Waitrose with ready meals to see me through while Mandy is in Ireland. I managed to get all the remaining weekend films edited and masters burnt on DVD, I also got the first of the five covers completed. I'm finding that I can do everything I need it is just a little more time consuming and tricky. With the optician not until early Saturday that left me a bit stuck after Mandy leaves for Ireland Friday morning but I've got the temporary fixing of blending tape on my old glasses and I've worn them in the car several times and they should be fine to get me to the Alex and get the temporary prism attached which will be a much better fix for driving, if it looks as if it will be several weeks I don't mind getti8ng glasses made, it takes a week but better with the prism in glass than stuck on in plastic by 3M. With the weather much warmer I managed an hour of gardening, lots more to do, working and walking I really on my eyesight as it is with a bit of squinting it gets me by and I'm sure its a bit better each day. If tomorrow is as promised the sunniest of the week Mandy will drop me at one of my favourite truck spots near Crew in the morning and pick me up later in the day and I'll feel as if I've done something at least. Next week if I'm a lot more mobile driving and the weather stays fair I've a long list of things to do but also appointments and meetings interspersed Lots of clips gone on Youtube from the filmws I edited and here are some Hemel Hempstead shots. Comments are closed.
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