Of course just a dream as in reality they have the most pitiful employees and the public relations team fit for promoting taratula spiders as kids toys. I hadn't even noticed nor posted because of the Stagecoach driver in Dundee giving a rather distinct V sign especially after smiling and waving, is it just a Scottish thing well no but there is a lot of it about up there. I was assured once that Stagecoach gave their employees an induction and explained about being on view to the public, representing the company and bus enthusiasts etc. Now how companies compare in the reality is really astonishing whereas Stobarts gain publicity through their image and the drivers generally back it up to the hilt and are happy to wave especially to a friendly smile and wave back. Stagecoach, now there's a thing, v signs,obscenities, attacks, lectures, assaults yes this is the reaction of employees in charge of buses, with peoples safety at their mercy, with families, young enthusiasts subjected to this abuse. It just seems to get worse by the week , of course comparisons aren't always easy but Stagecoach just seems to have the worst of that rotten core and although there are thousands of lovely drivers they must be disgusted surely by the reactions of their colleagues. Does management not take heed of these displays of vulgar abuse, of obscenities and unprovoked attacks, do they not care , why are they involved in a public service industry, are they fit to manage anything bigger than a dinky toy if this is the best standard they can attain. The recent games in Scotland did show the country at it's worst, police on the rampage, civil rights abused, innocent people had cameras taken and shots deleted, people stopped and searched because they are bus enthusiasts. Now the British government has raised the sate of public panic as they are expecting an attack on this country, perhaps the potential terrorists should knock on Stagecoaches door they seem to have a lot of people who are up for some aggro. I expect there will be yet more attacks on the poor old transport enthusiasts now the feds are fired up. It was a dream back in the day when we were up against the British cavalry who were sent in to charge the striking miners, those who know their history remember the likes of Peterloo when the army attacked people looking for basic human rights- I dreamt that the lads had been armed overnight and mowed down the class traitors on both occasions. Living in modern Britain is getting to be a step back into the Stalinist or Nazi era, modern socialism wouldn't stand a chance as one facist squad lines up after another as they argue over who is the most awful, the UKIP, The tories The liberals, what a bunch - kids now have electronic music and games instead of brains, the social revolution that we pushed forwards in the 1960/70s has just produced a generation of monsters, society is in retreat, the criminals rule the city, in Manchester the chief constable says he wouldn't go out at night in the city. Daily we hear of the atrocities that were committed in our cities upon children and again and again it was councillors, politicians,police who together contrived to keep it all from the public. Where do we go from here, well down the pub for a pint or a bottle of red often takes the edge of things. Who would have thought that an innocent hobby would make us the front line in so many battles. So many things have now vanished, faith, loyalty, charity, caring,spirituality, patience- our country sinks each day , overcrowded, under resourced, struggling, gasping, clutching.. as it breaks into tiny pieces and each fragment will hate the other and eventually civil war once again, perhaps Scotland will have it's own 'troubles' who knows, who cares any more. Tonight after a busy end to the week and approaching the holiday weekend well it is for us! I had my hair cut and managed to tie up as many loose ends as possible. We are pretty well packed now, I've finished the Lincolnshire DVDs and the last of the 3 volumes is on our shop, see store page of this site. I'll upload the latest photos on the Smug Mug site, see links page to take you to photo sales, only 50p each. Off to France early tomorrow , a couple of days in Piccardy then down to Tours and back up to Le Havre, a mix of transport interest. Tonight some French photos nudge nudge. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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