The BBC weather forecast caused problems yesterday but well made up for it today when we ignored changed details broadcast on TV and their web site just before bed when they changed the status of Crick in Northants to being cloudy. We were up at 6.30 am and on the road as some as we could and after pausing to top up with fuel hurtling at a surprising pace down the M6 passing the inevitable multiple pile up on the north bound side. We paused on the east bound section of M6 for morning coffee and were soon parked up at Crick after a couple of circuits to see what position was possible as there was still a good bit of cloud cover. It was supposed to get worse but it cleared to a perfect blue sky by lunch time. I started on the roundabout coming off the M1 southbound which put the sun behind me, not too bad, plenty of light so easy to pick a higher speed and achieve great clarity of shots. There was quite a lot of activity, Mandy waited parked up at the small industrial estate nearby. The next session was to go over the M1 up to Stobarts service area and have lunch and then come back to the lay by nearest the roundabout in the centre of the action on the west side of the M 1. Soon after lunch the pm madness started with trucks flying in and out in all directions. Obviously a lot of Post lorries and Stobarts as well as Malcolm et al. The selection of stills will give you an indication, I'm preparing the DVDs as I do this blog, yes I can do two things at once but i do start to creak a litle. I've got the Truck and Bus magazine adverts done and away and when we got home a neighbour had taken in my new camera to replace the Canon G12 which has been playing up a little but as you'll see from the shots below did do fine, sometimes it does, some it doesn't so I needed assurance that i wouldn't be left stranded in Colombia without a good still camera. It seems to sit right with me not being too big like an SLR but better than the compact models which lack manual over-rides to settings. A couple of features on the new 16 look different I'll have a play while I'm watching TV later. If the weather is suitable tomorrow I'm going to cover Hanley and Crewe but no promises!! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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