The count down to Cyprus has started. Weebly however is up to it's old tricks and there was no way i could get it to type a title to the blog. If I say it was a hectic day you will think what's new but it always is. I got up early as there were several things pressing on my mind as hangovers from last nights standing committee meeting for St Oswalds and I didn't want to let the time slip by as I had so much to do and our departure to Cyprus creeping up on us. To put it in context when we return Mandy is in hospital for an operation with this trip designed to be a rest before it. Then we shall be trying to fit in visits to the South West, East Anglia, the Borders and South / West Wales plus Aberdeen and the Channel Islands. I have a trip to Ukraine in August and hope to do some truck film in Ireland. Other truck destinations include new places for us such. as Kings Lynn and Mansfield where previously I've only filmed buses. I had to go to the church to go over cover with one of our former officials who has been unwell for some time and hopefully get her back in the loop, I then had to dash back to the Nat West in Knutsford to complete the cash transaction which had gone up the creek yesterday, I understand it has slowly worked it's way the 9 miles from Knutsford to Manchester and will pop up in the correct account tomorrow, the wonders of the internet, stage carriage was as fast. I have a funeral of Lady Haworth to officiate at tomorrow , thankfully my foot appointment has been rescheduled but there are still things I need to do like pick up a sack of bird food that was out of stock the other day at Chelford farm supplies, mind you the little blighters will have to go hungry when it runs out next week. The mice have made a fifth hole in a row in the shed floor, very hard to stop them as not a lot of floor left at this rate. We had dinner at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester this evening prior to the RNCM end of term concert, a great evening and thankfully we were heading in when the great jam was the opposite direction, our first trip in to the city since the latest bombing, regulars will know I was there the morning of the IRA bomb.They had obviously been set up for a strict search routine at the hall but perhaps we were considered unlikely targets at a classical concert and it was business as usual. Meanwhile a look at past shots of lorries in Syria which isn't that far from Cyprus! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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