Today was the follow up on last years colonoscopy and this time I picked Leighton hospital at Crewe, good choice and they had brought forward the date so it was all done before Christmas. Nothing sinister looking although a few bits removed but hopefully it will now be three years til next check. So that was something which sort of went well although the preparations which I won't go into meant I was up until 3am and then woke at 5am . The original plumber due yesterday never materialised and never answered any messages and features on check a trade site. Anyway we already had a standby from slightly further out and a proper company, he phone and gave an eta this morning and was a few minutes early at about 9.30. I explained the situation of needing toilet operational in the morning at least, by about 11.30 he had it tracked down, it was the cold water supply to the bath , the process saw half the kitchen ceiling being demolished, it was a tiny leak but spraying out 24/7. The irony is that we never use that bath, we use the shower in the wet room, its capped off now so we have everything else working and they'll repair it after Christmas and give us a link to a plasterer to restore the kitchen ceiling. We had to leave him among the debris, he did a tradesman clear up, thats getting rid of the chunks of plaster, we had to clean up properly after returning from Leighton hospital. I got caught short mid way to Crewe, thankfully the farm shop had a loo, one of our villagers was in the shop but I had to say 'emergency, must dash!' At least we are just about to have dinner. I only got 2 hours sleep last night, we'll film locally in Cheshire tomorrow, the weather looks suitable. Fingers still crossed for Thursday, looked ok for Newcastle on tv weather but computer version says sunshine, we'll see. We had a bumper DVD order load which Mandy dropped off while I was stuck near the loo! Photos again tomorrow, lots to catch up on here, the replacement cione scanner has arrived from China. Comments are closed.
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