It's taken a bit to get connected its fat enough but after downloading all my emails I had to log in. We had to bid a fond farewell this morning to Ian and Miguel and their friends who had all made the weekend so wonderful. It was a little foggy in corbie but as we cleared Amiens the sky was then blue for the rest of the day and as we headed west and south it warned up. We had left corbie by 10am and if it wasn't for the very poor signposting around Rouen we would have been in yours by 2.30 but after an I interlude heading back towards Paris I managed to wake up and get Mandy back on the right heading and put the sat nav on which meant I had a back stop even if I fell asleep again. Last night nmiguel did my favourite once again the duck confit and it was followed by pear crumble and cream very delicious. Having finally reached tours after a hold up at the toll booths we were able to get to the hotel without difficulty and the managers son moved his car a little so we could park right outside. I went off to start filing the trams we are only a few hundred metres from the tram if that's the same as saying we are a couple of hundred years away. Mandy stilled down at get lewisite and say outside the city hall where thee was a number of USA WWII motors parked up its been liberation week in many towns and with the clear blue sky and sun shining on the polished card metal and black livery the trams looked the biz. There were warning notices flashing up which I translated roughly as they are in strike tomorrow but after enquiring at the tourist office it seems this just applies to the rush hours so after 9.30 all should be back to normal plus I've already done 35 minutes of film out along the northern section of the one route line. The weather is forecasted good so I'll do some bus shots and then cover the southern section before we head up to Le Havre for the trucks. We had a really seriously enjoyable meal in the old town at one of several hundred Irish pubs in tours if we had wanted I could have done a pub crawl all the say back to our hotel. It's been Mandy's second try out of the wheel chair and quite exhausting and hilarious at times frightening at others, about two out of ten for their disabled access as its is just good in places. Anyway we are now shattered and ready for turning in and looking forwards to finishing coverage of these smart teams in he morning
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