The month is racing away from us and tomorrow we'll be racing on down to South Wales although the weather outlook has gone downhill a bit so its fingers crossed that it picks up again. The China trip looms large now and I'll soon be thinking about what I want to take with me. We finished off the drive and path exercise today with a clean up, putting everything away, replacing the flower tubs and then moving the vehicles back on the drive. Mandy took her car through the wash and saved me a job. I planted some flowers I'd picked up from B&Q last week which were desperate to get in the soil. The Reed Buntings are still resident in our garden. I've put food out for the birds but it won't last until Wednesday. WE are going to post the PMP orders received over the weekend from South Wales so there will be a few surprised faces when or if they notice the post mark. We are expecting a few more cine sales to go through before we go to bed so we''ll prepare those too if we get time. I've even spent a few minutes getting photos ready to file but the job is so mammoth I hardly know where to start now. There are thousands already sorted ready for upload to our Smugmug site where you can purchase your still photos, see links page. All the latest DVDs are on our PMP shop pages but I'm not up to date with EBay or Amazon. Amazon takes minutes but EBay is a right chew to do. Nothing really spectacular to report, I'll try posting from the Premier Inns or look for BT hot spots or restaurants. I do need to get my sponsorship for the July mammoth walk sorted and to get into traning for it, Jane Lloyd isd starting with 8 miles a week Monday and looking for people to join her but its the bank holiday Truckfest Monday. Once we get near summer it will be hectic straight through to December. I''m still hoping for a few quick visits to the Channel Islands and Isle of Man - we do seem to have sorted a day for the Isle of Wight when we are in Hampshire for a rally and I really want to cover Southampton dock traffic. I've not forgotten the truck side and hope that orders soon start coming through for the Cumbrian films taken last week. Some clips from recent trips. The retirement film made me chuckle at lot, can't see me as a lillipop man!!! Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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