Did I work through the pain barrier, usually if I'm still in agony by the time the pain has got out to the facet joints I'm usually having injections but somehow I have battled through, perhaps it has been the pain killers, natural healing or someone lifting my spirits and enabling me to carry on. Whatever I've now done my first targets before Mandy gets back tomorrow night. I've virtually eradicated on mould growth around the wet room, the shower screens get it in the silicon sealant which seem a breeding ground. It took about 10 times longer than I expected and writhing around the floor doing battle with the small vacuum constantly cleaning up and trying to avoid standing. The other major job is to get the DVD sales stock up to date for the first rally down at Detling in April. There are quite a few to do since I last updated for Boyle St in December, so few of our customers are left who attend it was working out at a mammoth loss and taking up two days precious time. For the outdoor rallies this year we have our brand new tent, it's signed for PMP so you won't miss it. Thankfully Detling doesn't need tents. Jumping back to church i was at the 8am supporting vicar Jane and getting the place shipshape fopr the Mothering Sunday service at 11am. This was my first service both writing and leading prayer aided by little Lily, Ged Coates' grand daughter, she is a marvel at reading and really held my had to make sure I was rock steady through the delivery, it seemed to go well so another step along the way but a lot to learn. I'm going to tackle the ministry course reading for the final segment, we have Bishop Keith addressing us tomorrow evensong, we will then have had all three diocesan Bishops along to our Chester meetings. I've really got the one major essay to tackle and I've bought a lot of books on Amazon plus Vicar Jane and Reader Ann have lent me others. I need to put my essay proposal in soon so I can't linger over it, I'll try and get it in Wednesday with a few days to spare. The weather tomorrow is mainly wet around the country so a good chance to crack on with the proposal and get some of the DVDs ready. It's been a little busier on the net with orders but not that much, I could handler a few more if you feel in the mood to spend. Really on the up is Youtube which is having it's weekend upsurge in views and revenue which by the autumn I hope to be topping last years results and paying for our ambitious film trip schedule this year. I had dinner earlyish as I was feeling peckish but successfully avoid anything sweet as I'm trying to get rid of a few inches around the waist. Doing a bit of family history is relaxing at times and a diversion from everything else. Masses of progress made, now most is on Ancestry site I want to get all the photos and document scans on, these days keeping things unique or to yourself seems a thing of the past reflected in our sharing of files on Youtube. Here are the covers for the latest batch of DVDs all on our shop page. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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