The old arms are shking a bit, its recycle bin day tomorrow and I mowed the lawn and hacked down spent growth to fiull up the bin before i put it out and then I'll have a clear run for some more tidying up on Sunday. It looks like the weekend is going to be cold but quite sunny, it bodes well for gardening and filming, I was thinking of bobbing out to do a bit today but it was wet, cold and miserable so I stayed in the nice warm office and spurned water on my second diet day of the week in favour of a hot coffee. Tomoroow who knows what we'll get as we head off to meet our old friend Tony at Southern Cemetery and share tales of the graveyard, hope our graves don't look too neglected! I did a little on family history again, after making progress on my 6 times grandfather on a line that I'd been stuck on with the Vincent side I turned to the Spencer lineage via my adopted parents and came to the conclusion that there must have been some seafaring blood at one time which explains the absence of listings in the 19th census reports for the Sabeno Spencers and if we change the spelling to Sabino it makes more senses, there were still two merchant seaman Sabinos in the first world war from Liverpool. It seems possible that old Sidney Spencer the gardener from Leeds may have taken his labour to America and even married there or to the daughter of someone he'd met on his travels named Sabino and settled in Liverpool her home city. Well its a betther theory than any other explanations which hadn't really produced much at all on the Sabeno connection and family legend had it there was Spanish blood somewhere along the line. Certainly there were members of the family who traveled to the emerging western states at that time on my grand mothers side. Tonight I'm making some progress with the Shropshire bus archives after having put on as much detail as I could with the responses from the Japanese youtube uploads featuring 1960-80 Japanese tram, the main gap is on the first sequence. I've noticed that some of the recent uploads have attracted smaller audiences whilst other unexpected success comes from places like oran in Algeria. I uploaded the remainder of the Scottish bus clips from last weekend and all the DVDs are on the PMP shop on this website although I did forget to take a memory stick to work to download the photos I'd trimmed up ready to upload on our still photo sales site see links page to Smugmug site. Other than that not a lot to report, trying not to listen to the news its just so depressing and if we get anymore politically correct we'll disapear up our botties one day, what about the latest on 'partners', Mandy says I need to hand her everything or she'll report me for abuse, thought I already did that! Anyway onwards and upwords as I get back to the Shropshire bus archives with Shrewsbury, Oswestry and Telford being the main content. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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