Today was a break in the busy schedule of transport filming and a chance to catch up with emails and phone calls to be made. One of the first on the list was to the registrar in Tunbridge Wells which covers the whole of Kent, finally I found that Jim O'Grady my natural father had been registered as dead and was still living in Margate at the time. They are sending me a copy of the death certificate. We next want to know what happened to him as calls to the coroner and cemeteries plus the QE hospital have produced no further detail on his demise just before his 90th birthday. With his death confirmed I can now start the process to get his name added to my birth certificate. Of course the rest of the clan was at least relieved that any doubt had been removed and now we can continue to pursue suitable commemoration activities, my fear is that only his wife and other surviving son were at any interment or cremation. It is a legal undertaking that requires all close relatives to be made aware.
Anyway after that almost momentous start to the day it was more mundane but more pleasant to catch up with friends and relatives by phone or email. Jobs that needed doing were the storage of the films scanned from the Bill Winter collection in my charge which will be passed to the National Library for Scotland at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow on my spring film visit to Edinburgh and Glasgow. I didn't manage to get any more photos filed or even get digital downloads added to the shop. I made no progress on Bus Spot Ultra Oxford and never got the covers made for the latest three DVD productions so plenty left for me to go at. We are at the Bridgewater Hall for the Halle with Mark Elder tomorrow, also dining there and then on Saturday night we are at the Opera Prize at Clonter Opera Farm, not too far from home, picnic there with Susie Mensforth. Bex who looked after the patrons of the RNCM is about to follow her many predecessors and leave, she stuck it many months more than most, I wonder why it is just a stop gap job. The model from Jotus in Hong Kong made it to me, the Stagecoach Manchester three axle Dennis in Magicbus livery on route to Chorlton arrived safely, very nicely packed and had managed to not get hammered by customs. I've started tentative plans for the cabinets in the rest of the display room. Once spring arrives I'll restore Mandys mum's old dining room table as a work top in the room as once the new cabinets are ijn there will be nowhere for me to do the jobs like cine film scanning. The Winter collection is back ticking away on the two scanners in the background right now. Mandy has another type of scan tomorrow morning, its at the Spire ijn Macclesfield and checks on her brittle bones, really not a lot they can do other than record any deterioration . Here is a photo of the new model, I'll leave it in the box, the reserve collection is needless to say growing steadily. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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