I've been compiling a check list ready for the packing for Sri Lanka, so forgetful these days that I thought I'd best make a list and check everything off and lets be honest its not as if I take a whole shed load of stuff with me but I really don't want to forget anything vital, the only thing I haven't got to hand is a bit of gaffer tape so I'll try to remember to go to B&Q tomorrow, they are only a minutes drive from work and it comes in handy for all manner of emergency situations and breakages etc. Then there are the things that I'm just thinking of now like a spare microphone battery, wonder if that will make it back to the lounge where the list is. All this panicking stems from forgetting my tripod on Saturday. What i have done tonight is to remove all the low numbered stock from the van right down to the exact box which fits the main stand and then load up the Scottish material ready for the Bridgeton museum open day in Glasgow early October after I get back from Sri Lanka. I went through the stock and Mandy will get replenishments ready where required so we'll have the full hit with an emphasis on Glasgow. By then she will have done the Dublin Port rally, perhaps if there are many photos left we'll bring the Irish stock up to Glasgow as I'm sure there are a few of the Northern Irish lads who often come across. Today I also managed to quickly get through all the photos from the weekend and get them dressed up ready to storte in the archive and of course upload on to our Smugmug still photo sales site, its a bit like Flickr but you can purchase copies of the prints from just 50p for a 6x4 print, there are many thousands already uploaded, in fact my entire collection should be there eventually. I might even add some of the more scenic shots where of historic interest, places like Syria perhaps where things will never be the same well at least for many years. I've got shots from many places that have had civil strife and wars, it usually happens after I've visited, must be something I said ( again). Anyway tonight i'm cracking on with editing the weekends film, already done is Bedfordshire and rendering prior to burning the master is Cambridge, it was really good to see so many fellow enthusiasts out with the cameras and meet so many friends at the show on Sunday, it was just a shame that it was such a rubbish trading day. Another package arrived from Hattons today, a good bit of catching up going on, the Leyland Royal Tiger Southdown livery came but its exactly the same as the first version which is really strange as Hattons had it as a forthcoming release but its just more of the same, no idea what to do with it but I may have some transfers to convert the destination which is a bit specific as Hayling Island.The Commer Commando looks better in the BOAC livery , I've put the Atlas collection models of European buses on one of the few remaining spare shelves in the office, space is really getting to be at a premium, I need to have some inspiration as to storage in the future as its already far too crammed in to do the collection justice and I'd really like a few in scenic settings, might have a look in the attic in the winter I kept most of the scenary from the railway layout. So ready to upload they maybe but here is a selection from Cambridge from Saturday, enjoy, it was like mid winter! I'll get the covers done for all the recent releases tomorrow night, Showbus included. Comments are closed.
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