Another outing for film from the PMP archive on television with a clip on a Hong Kong new channel this evening. The recent airing on the BBC channel islands news magazine programme brought a flurry of orders for our films of the island's buses from the camera of Robin Hannay, this time it is a run out for Alan Mortimer's footage and great stuff it is too. Tomorrow we'll be handing over our old Derby footage to the past lives arts project and they are going through some as always last minute editing to fit in some of our scenes the whole film gets an airing at the multiplex cinema in Derby however we'll be away in France that weekend,. They all leave things to the last minute , the Derby exercise also threw to light the illegal hijack of some of our material which bless good old Youtube they took down that very evening. Of course if you want any of our clips on your channel or website you are free to embed the film it's just that when clicked on they open in our channel but you can use then to promote your interest, group, society etc with no prior permission required. We were at the Pheasant last night, Lees Victory is a nice ale and that followed by an MPA is a good mix, we usually see Colin treasurer of St Oswalds, heard that Tom vicar's husband all round great chap had a sudden heart attack, thankfully doctor in a car behind on Plumley Moor Road did heart massage and then used the defib when the response team arrived, he's at North Staffs and we've offered to help with anything at all as we are only just round the corner. I got another batch of cine today all stashed away, one batch was a bit of a rip off as it was described as content unknown but actually each reel of 16mm was labelled 'cartoon' not exactly what you'd expect if it was unknown and were taking a genuine lucky dip. The others were from respected dealers, some stuff is up at a small fortune I'll either wait until it drops or someone else takes the bait. I filled the van up with more DVDs and photos and a couple of extra tables all ready now for the POPS rally at the Britannia stadium Stoke on Sunday. Tomorrow we film at Derby in the morning and then move back to Stoke. We've got Phil and Emma around tomorrow evening, we are off to the Pheasant to eat, tried the Church at Mobberly but fully booked out. Must get stuff loaded on Smugmug, I'll set it off while I crack on with sound on the first Scottish social film, here are some shots which I'll be uploading from the Belfast trip. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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