One section of a five module building which will grace phase two of my dioramas in the new display room. It should have been a morning filming at Lymm Poplar services but the printer was playing up so I had to battle with it, then the weather came out too bright as my spot at Lymm faces towards the sun so certainly a dull weather day required. Instead I managed to make great inroads towards the new layout. It took bits from SMC, Kings Way and John's Models plus Powerpoint - that is my old XP version. However I did find out how to convert from that version to Windows 7 with a couple of clicks, the compatability mode alone doesn't sort it out and nothing on the net but discovered it by trial and error. The big news of course was that I received my Covid vaccination today at Congleton Town Hall, Mandy gets hers tomorrow at Winsford. I was about 10 minutes early but went straight in, the whole process was around 10 minutes, me who hates needles didn't really notice anything it was that quick. A bit dads army but none the worse for that, volunteers by the dozen guiding and helping from all sorts of organisations and individuals. Our friend Sue helps out in Staffordshire, their unity go from 500 to 1000 people a day next week. I will try and get another archive bus DVD done over the weekend, either bus spot ultra on Wolverhampton or the follow on Municipals with the video era early 90's survivors. Plenty in the archive for that and it gives me plenty to put on the net. The downloads seem to be having a good week, I must try harder to get more loaded on the shop. I also intend to put the news / recent DVDs on Amazon and Ebay although as ever would prefer people to stick to the PMP shop . Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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