Once more I seem to suffer the day after physiotherapy so next week I must really stress that we take it easy, when someone is crying out in pail it is time to stop, either more pain relief is required or the task should cease. I know other people have had to trim back the expectations of physios who aren't having to suffer themselves. Anyway it's been a long and busy old day after a somewhat rough night but we did go to the Golden Pheasant for a couple of pints but perhaps this counteracts with the pain killers, nearly all new staff again and several ales off yet again, it wouldn't surprise me if the brewery closed it down it's a massive building and its food side is plummeting in quality, I understand that its really like a happy eater thingey with partially prepared frozen rubbish done in bulk, I wouldn't eat there in a hurry. It was collection day at Tesco Heswall on the Wirral today, Mandy and I together with Chris were on the 11-13.00 shift, we then did some shopping and carried on to Cheshire oaks where Mandy stumbled across a nice dark blue handbag that she 'needed'. We popped into Lindt shop next door so I could get a sugar hit to recover from the Coach, yes wrong sort of coach completely for me. I've started the exercises as instructed by my consultant and when today's swelling has subsided I hope to pick up again with the stretching on the lower stairs which really did make going up properly quite easy, I wouldn't even try today. A quiet day on the nert and post, The Youtube site is slowly picking up after the holiday season and despite nothing British going on since my operation but that will be rectified next week when we start with some brief visits to local destinations just to keep my hand in. Then Mandy has advised that several people have inquired about the central southern bus archives that haven't gone on to DVD yet. I've printed them all out and there certainly seems to be a good bit which needs doing so prepare for a release within the next week which will cover Hants, Dorset, Berks and Wilts - should make a great xmas present for a lot of bus enthusiasts mind you I don't feel guilty using the Christmas word as the shops are already filling up with snow scenes on chocolate boxes etc. Remember I've loaded thousands of pictures on to our Smug Mug still photo sales site this past week and they start at just 50p each which is cheaper than many items you'll get at rallies. Also we have some rare and interesting south east mainly niche booklets on our Ebay shop. I'll get all the German material loaded on Amazon and then Ebay, mind you we still have the real ol;dies on cine for Germany which include scenes of early post war trolleys of which there is no other known moving images. Anyway lets go to Berkshire for tonight's photos. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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