A busy day on the homer front with a trip to B&Q with its diverse customer help, some are really helpful and go out of the way but then there are like at Northwich the women who stand chattering while tills are untended and customers questions unanswered. They are part of the same group as nearby Screw Fix, only Screwfix has black gutter pipe brackets while B&Q has white, even their staff think that is a bit loony. We got paint for downstairs loo, the hall stairs and landing and some more essentials to go with them. Then it was straight to M&S at Handforth Dean near Mcr airport, empty car park except the disabled places which were all full but a nifty bit of driving by Mandy got a vacated space before the other driver cleared the space. The shopping done it was home for lunch then on with decorating the downstairs loo. I also rubbed down the front door and cleaned the frames etc all pending a rain free day when I can apply the specially made paint for plasticised materials. The jobs lined up for tomorrow are finishing the loo, getting a start on the hall stairs and landing, tying the fallen climbing roses back up after some ground level dead heading and de black spotting it of diseased leaves. Also getting the clips on the wobbly plastic drain at the front. Some time the garden needs everything weeding and dead headed and debris from the torrential rain all week addressed plus mow the lawns. By way of a break I'm scanning one of Roger de Boers cine reels , a 200' which will just feed through my old and trusted scanner. I still await arrival of the new 400' model just released, perhaps in a flush of newness the Chinese may have introduced some quality control and testing of equipment after our last three purchases weren't fit for purpose but then many think China isn't fit for purpose, certainly not in HK and Taiwan. Anyway it gives us a chance to look at Hong Kong as our slide show tonight. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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