Came to a halt on the M6 by Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, that's the 7th time but no more. Quite a good deal on Buy Any so it will get fixed , MOT renewed, a valet at the Romanian car wash and by bye, really glad we are getting rid of it. We would never consider a VW again, worst purchase we ever made other than the property bonds which were zapped at the beginning of the lock downs last year. We broke down at 6.30am then got RAC subiie to Hilton services, 6 hours there, no show for break down recovery. Thankfully another RAC unit turned up not for us but he got the RAC to cough up for a prepaid taxi cab all the way home. I wouldn't mind betting the Caddy is still at Hilton Park, getting it stolen would be a great favour. They are supported to be dropping it at the garage in Northwich. I got a message to Tom the organiser at Gaydon explaining what had happened and they could give our space away. We'll go down tomorrow in Mandy's car and at least I can get some film and the weather might be better, it poured down in the West Midlands most of the day. This all puts next weekend at Lathalmond in doubt. We will sell the Caddy and look around. Maybe we get something bigger than the Jazz which can take a bit of stock. Considering a lucky dip still box offer like Oxford have done so we can shift some of the old display stock of which we have hundreds of DVD in the shed. Anyway we had a good meal at the Bells in the village early this evening. Meanwhile some shots from Gaydons past. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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