I was listening to a programme about China where a city is full of internet retailers and this one place had a funny little noise which went off each time an order was placed, well that's what it felt like at PMP today, easily the busiest of the year with the DVD sales supplemented by the cine films I'm selling on with a fair proportion already under bids or sold. I've cut through the DVD ortders and got virtually everything ready for the post just the larger orders and the cine reels for Mandy to parcel up and post in the morning. I've been worjking my way through the cine films to upload on Youtube and then put on EBsay. I've nearly reached the end of the 16mm films, I think another 2 hours worth or thereabouts. The weather has been very lively with stiff blustery winds albeit mild temperatures interspersed with heavt rain showers. It doesn't really look like I'll be doing any filming before mid week at best but we'll carefully monitor the situation for any possible breaks which would enable us to get out and about. The EBay cine listings are now quite extensive with hundreds more to go on in the weeks between now and Christmas. The tree at up at St Oswalds in Lower Peover, it reaches the ceiling in fact and lit up where it proved possible to put lights up safely. Mandy thinks we are going to have a real tree indoors as well as out at the front, in the spirit of traditional Christmas I hope the food offerings are equally as forthcoming. We had a bottle of the Priorat wine tonight, the first of the Aldi specials and label of Albert's village in the Pyrenees in Catalonia, Spain. I don't think it measured up that well with no complexity and little aftertaste to relish. Not bad at all but for the money a bit of a non starter. I got the film for the Atlas promotional DVD edited in Amsterdam, it needs many changes and I will be in the editing suite from early until the job is finished, I can see plenty of errors and I had hoperd that all I would be doing was adding the sub titles to go with it, still they are paying well enough - if I did it again I'd do all the editing myself. Some of the many films we have uploaded from the social history side of the PMP Archive include:- masses more out there and more added almost daily especially in bad weather! Please remember click on an advert or two each visit to help pay for our archive. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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