I wasn't that sure what I'd be able to do today given the variable weather around, it did look as if Merseyside would be sunny late morning and after getting a rather huge load of film and DVD orders ready to post I shot off over the M62 to the docks at Bootle and there was a clear blue sky. The temperature had soared to a balmy 16 degrees and it was a pleasure watching a very varied parade of lorries passing by, goodness knows what it will be like when the new dock is ready for the larger ships it pretty hectic there now. I did try using the 101 call to let the local police know i was filming in the vicinity of the docks but after 6 attempts I gave up. With the yellow hi vis vest one I didn't get a second glance although the drivers had mostly figured I was friend not foe although as the sun was behind me it was a hard job for them to get a focus on what I was doing although there were a lot of last minute waves and a lot of lights and a few toots. I'm just making the DVD of the visit, tomorrow I'll probably be coping the smaller format cine films and Mandy is going to Oswestry hospital for her annual genea pig act for the consultant exams there. Wednesday we have the van in for service at the VW dealer in Trafford Park, we are going to try and get a film rattled off there as it would add yet another new location to the list and we are there anyway! Thursday Mandy is out and I'm keeping my eye on the weather for bus films. I do need to get some bird seed in but i've put enough out for the little blighters that should keep em going for a couple of minutes. I did unload the van ready for the service and there is no point having the stock sitting there through the winter months. I gave up trying to fix the flood light in the back garden and we've called the electrician in to fit a new LED one. We got the outdoor Christmas tree dug up and trimmed off the roots and planted up but we couldn't find the outdoor lighting set so something we require to purchase. Comments are closed.
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