We were in no hurry to get out of bed this morning as true to form the thermometer was set well below zero at 9.30 this morning and there seemed little prospect of it climbing much higher. It did soon cloud over though and it would have been a champion day for winter film work but then who could have foretold that aspect certainly not something the BBC take into consideration! There were however jobs scheduled for the firtst fre dry day and the first one ticked off the sheet since retirement has been clearing out the garden shed. There was a car load of stuff to take down to the tip at Northwich and I think both Mandy and certainly myself felt it was a job well done even if we were frozen, thankfully little wind to accompany it. If we are to get snow at all and it may be just too cold for that it will be overnight Saturday into Sunday. We've only put on the heating mid afternoon as the house insulation is very effective. After lunch I set up the Super 8 projector John Bishop had given me and ran through the first short film to test the picture and sound. A great bit of kit which runs very quietly and has superb sound reproductions. I think I must have run through about 5 railway films and then a travelogue and onto Farnborough which was bought as a private film but is actually the Mountain film which I've had on 16mm, taken 1962 if I remember rightly. There's a golden oldie on Talking pictures Channel 81 after 4 this afternoon so I'll stop and catch a bit of a sit down before carrying on with the super8 film. I've about 60-70 reels to go through and I'm not sure if I'll get time to list them all before next Thursday which is the cut off point before we are one week off the Colombia trip in actually fact I think I'll need to cut off new loadings on eBay by mid week. The magazines are starting to appear, the new ad in Light rail produces the old grunt regime, can you send me a catalogue of your productions, yes well its on the net, but I'm not on the net, tough I suppose but ask the grand kids etc, even the public libraries can help the computer illiterate to find something like that. The dangers of Light rail or Modern Tramway whatever its called, I wish they wouldn't change the names most confusing. It is picking up for DVD orders now plus we have a lot of cine sold and misc publications and maps. Plenty more to list meanwhile all the recent releases went on both ebay and Amazon yesterday afternoon. Photos from yesterday at Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire. Comments are closed.
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