I spent 5 hours waiting on Saddleworth Moor after the power went in the VW Caddy yet again, only 50k miles on the clock and ten years old yet a total of 6 fuel injectors have now gone, this and the last one we'll have to pay for I suppose but the faults started when it was 18 months old. It was nearly midnight when I got home on the flat back RAC van, they took it back to their yard afterwards and dropped at the garage in Northwich this morning. We managed to get a fairly hefty DVD load of orders shifted today. It was a strange day really with D of E passing away, not even a soap to relax with this evening, hopefully we'll be able to get Germany 89 though. I've got the two bus and two truck films from this week edited and masters burnt. The covers are also done but I haven't added them to the shop. We had the rat man from the council today but the village is alive with them, we saw one climbing up to the bird feeder like a squirrel. The council chap reckons it all started when the new estate was being built and they must have become homeless to went to visit all our gardens. Mandy had to see the doctor , take pictures etc, a comedy that went on all day, they prescribed some cream for the rash of spots on her back but I think it is an allergic reaction to pills they gave her to help sleep. They haven't actually got any of said pills so that's Mondays first job. The van is in the garage getting repaired but told them no rush! I've also got a few hundred more pictures ready to file away, the Smugmug still site has already got 12 months of pandemic bus and lorry coverage on it as well as the DVDs on the PMP Shop. Here are the latest Next a little quiz, herewith photos taken in the car park in Doncaster regarding payment, what is missing though? These signs were plastered everywhere. Ever get that urge to get dowen and rough and go to Doncaster and wondered what it was like, for post apocalyptic fans here goes Clips of buses in Lincoln and Doncaster going on Youtube this evening Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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