Greetings to our customers,friends, relations, readers worldwide, around 1000 people pay up to 10,000 visits to the blog each week and of course the hits on our trailers for the DVDs on Youtube is over the 25 million and still heading upwards as are the subscribers although not nearly enough are clicking on the adverts which generate the income which both keeps the site going and enables us to undertake further journeys to record the ever changing transport scene both in the UK and around the world. We shall be looking at the 2017 rally season soon and hopefully we'll be covering some new events and different regions of the UK. I'm minded just to do the Saturday at Manchester in March as this past event was really hard work on the Sunday and the atmosphere at the event was starting to sour, everywhere seems to follow this cycle and it was thus that we ceased our annual trips to the Bridgeton event instead staying loyal to the more relaxed atmosphere of Lathalmond in Fife. I've edited the Staffordshire bus DVD and put it on our shop, orders for DVDs and auctions of cine film was brisk over the weekend and heavy post bags this morning. I had a day in the fresh air in the garden, first cleaning the road muck off the van and cars then I was clearing the overgrown climbers at the side of the house where next door's fencing is being destroyed by their shrubs and coming into our side, it looks much better but a heap of cuttings to get rid of, the recycle bin is full and they stop the recycle bin collection for a month around Christmas just when gardeners are clearing the spent summer shrubs and herbacious plants etc. I've also managed to finally load the truck photos I took on the A50 last week, nearly 500 shots. Thus I can now download the rest of the last weeks shots from my camera before I head down to Walsall and Wolverhampton tomorrow with fingers crossed that it is cloudy and there are plenty of buses about. I'm back copying the 16mm films, just done a lovely Pan Am one on Wings to Bermuda about 1950 at latest great colour. Here are the covers of our recent DVD releases. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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