Domestic jobs came first including mowing the lawns and cutting back a Magnolia tree, then I got stuck into updating the PMP digital downloads while I got the Alton stock unloaded and put in the Scottish stock for Lathalmond, simple, well not entirely, the trolley needed tyres pumping up and the van re-arranging. After lunch we decided to take a break and enjoy the sunshine so rare this week and not a drop of rain despite some sinister clouds. I did a quick survey of Google earth maps and may have identified a good truck filming spot to the east side of Kharkiv. I've given up trying to find buses for the two gaps in the itinerary, most likely they will exist or need connections which we can sort locally. Nearly all the still photo files have been put in their respective folders, I should be loading to Smugmug tomorrow. Mandy got our 'pill' supply from the health centre, out doc wants to review my pills next month, I'd like to kick stations and blood pressure into touch. It has remained mainly quiet on the DVD front, at present we are running at a greater loss than usual, please I know I keep banging on about it but EBay and Amazon take a big cut if you don't use the post free PMP shop on this site which is the only one with 100% of our range. We had a sit in the sun through the afternoon, the butterflies are wonderful, never had such a show as this year and even spotted a drgon fly, a first ever as we aren't near water in insect terms but perhaps they know different, there is more rain for Sunday. So nearly up to date with digital download options on the latest stock, just £8 as oppsed to £13 for a DVD and it is instant. One of the last visits to file the stills of is the central London trip so here are some views from it. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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