Good evening friends, viewers,customers worldwide. It was as promised a mainly sunny day and we decided to make Hull our destination. We got up a little earlier at 6am and were parked up at the back of Marks & Spencer's and had breakfast there at 8.30. I started on the buses by walking down to the end of the bus station but there light isn't that good first thing so I went back up by the BBC offices and it was easy enough to clock up the footage as the morning drew on and then I went back to the roundabout at the end of the bus station and got carried away with all the activity so a slightly longer than normal film. I'll edit it this evening and hopefully a couple of clips on Youtube later this evening. I also managed to make a start on the Vienna archive tram feature last night, about 15 minutes of image completed. I decided to be a little selective as some material even with computer enhancement is a bit marginal and I have no lack of scenes to select from. There was a bit of a flurry of orders on the internet last night and today but nothing at all in the post which is quite unusual. We had a bot of a tour around Holderness ijn East Yorkshire after we finished at Hull and Mandy saw several places like Withernsea for the first time, we came back around through Beverley which was just blocked through with grid locked treafic, got home about 5pm. Anyway we got done what was required. Commendation goes to the Eat Yorkshire Route 54 lady driver although it was a short ride she displayed very helpful behaviour to customers such as the elderly lady with sopping trolley whose way on at the raised stop was impeded by a car parked over the stop, she also pointed out the failing of the driver! The news from Bangladesh hasn't really shown any particular progress although the pm did go to see the opposition lady Zia whose son had died but she had been sedated, perhaps a glimmer of humanity and perhaps an olive branch. The port of Chittagong reckon that there is a normal amount of goods lmoving, no idea though on buses but the factories are running short of supplies. Still hoping that they reach a truce or that there is a coup and the army takes over which is probably the best option as then there would be no hartals. Oh well nearly dinner time, shots from Hull earlier today. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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