The North West of England certainly came in for a bashing today as the wind and rain lashed down overnight from Friday and many people stayed off the roads while up in Cumbria flooding threatens lives in several towns where evacuation of residents is under way. No wonder then that several regular customers at Boyle St failed to show, fingers crossed that as the storms abate people will be able to travel tomorrow albeit there could be line blockages on the trains. I know that numbers through the door at Boyle SDt were up to normal levels but this is usual and like Lathalmond where statistics seem to defy reality. Still as we came home to a fair scattering of DVD orders its no wonder that we cannot win at all locations after all the numbers of customers hasn't soared that much just the means of purchasing has shifted to the internet. I know this as I'm one of those who has moved in that direction. I did pop my head out of the door at the museum early afternoon, it was still raining but i grabbed some shots and these are they with Mandy's car seen next to the Ribble coach outside the museum. This evening after eating a hearty meal of bullfighters stew which was three days in preparation and thankfully provides enough for another 3 meals I had enough energy to replace the DVDs sold and match up all the orders received, I do need to get covers fitted though. Our first heavy flow of Christmas cards and as Mandy wants a traditional Christmas there will certainly be no lack of these and unlike previous years more than a representative few on display around the house. I hope to get some more cards written later this evening, when we get back tomorrow I'll try and replenish stock but its our last sale before Boyle St again in the spring. We received the 2016 dates and I'm adding them to our rally calendar for next year. Boyle St are having another big orange event next autumn which proved very popular at the Manchester City football club car park a few years back, the biggest muster ever of ex Mcr orange era buses. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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