A mild but blustery day, the promise of light cloud at Lincoln encouraged us to head in that direction, Mandy's trip out in the new car! Anyway up at 6am out 6.30, arrived Lincoln 9.45 am the worst bit being Nottingham in the rush hour. The temporary bus station is in reality just across the other side of the railway station and there is a bridge between the old location and new albeit the old is now a large building site. The city has grown in all sorts of awful ways, really I can't record anywhere with so much history and such a prominent cathedral hiding it's assets away so much and relying on another Arndale type of shopping centre to be the mainstay, at least Liverpool almost pulls it off although even they are throwing their world heritage skyline out the window, short term gains yet again. The temporary bus station is in a car park area , very exposed and with the wind cold and blustery. A nice Gurkha chap on the gate stopping pedestrians entering the bus area, the correct path being unmarked through a car park, hmmm. Anyway he was very nice and when a bus driver of STAGECOACH had a whinge that i was outside taking pictures he just said don't worry, we decided they must have a very comfortable life if that was their only problem. I won't guess as to the moaning persons nationality, it wasn't Nepali and wasn't from Lincoln something to the east, sort of Skegness and keep heading east. It's a shame happiness is often eroded by the detractors, you will note that I've bitten my tongue over Dump probably because like Brexit I can't understand why anyone in their right mind would take such reckless actions with their country and promote xenophobia although if they really want something to moan about they can have a million plus from east of Skegness and keep going a bit which would make my life easier. Lots of orders for DVDs and films this week which will keep the credit card bills at bay. Some nice responses on the start of the church toilet with a volunteer to be janitor and a quote for the signage, I used a company that did well for me in my w****** days! I got the footage I wanted, wind noise will be a bit of a pig but can't be helped, PC Coaches were the main interest with a varied turn out including at least two deckers. Just running off the master DVD for the trucks on the M6 yesterday and then I'll edit Lincoln, must remember to do the Youtube clips. May pop down to the Pheasant for a pint later this evening. Tomorrow I'm going to get up to date with the DVDs and PMP in general and then tackle the church warden instruction film which is about 25% ready so far. The weather tomorrow is due to be grim which probably means better than ever but we'll stay close to home, ditto Sat and Sunday. Lots of appointments next week in the run up to departure for India on Sunday week. Photos from Lincoln this morning, unedited as usual they will go on our Smugmug still photo sales site in due course. When our present photo stock is sold off we will not be carrying any around and rely on the net if anyone wants them. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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