Actually you have to be of a certain age for that to have a ring with you, Wonderful, Wonderful, Copenhagen, city that I lover it's so ... yes OK perhaps you aren't as ancient as we are but I feel another year or two older after a sleepless night and stressful day waiting to be interviewed by Cheshire police on behalf of Scottish Police, but in the end after our solicitor sat here with his BMW sports car outside at goodness knows what per hour the cop never showed as he'd had a 'shout' and prioritisised I came pretty well down the pecking order and we await a reschedule of the grilling, they'll have to put the thumbscrews on ice. Overseas readers will need to know that it's not all Gilbert & Sullivan and a policeman's lot is not a happy one especially if he happens to be one of the sadistic English hating sods from nortyh of our border. They Scots are to have a referendum on whether they wish to break away from Britain, given that so many hate us I wonder they ever stayed in the union and it certainly feels that we are already divorced, little could be done now as I detect that even if they vote no there will be a rising tide of English who want them gone anyway. This is all very sad as we have so many friends in Scotland, regularly holiday there and have visited three times this year with the 4th this coming weekend to Lathalmond. I regularly see at work discrimination against English people when dealing with Aberdeen. We've heard from people in Scotland that they foresee racial violence and a Northern Ireland situation arising whilst the Shetlands will have declared UDI and come to Norway for protection and the Orkneys will be a hippy arts commune a bit like the parts of 'free' Berlin. I've gotten on with editing the Kent films, once I get all the covers done tomorrow I'll list the latest releases on our shop. The grass was fed today by Green Thumb and thus I can safely put off touching it until the end of the week. At some stage we'll have to remove all the sheets from the garage and attempt to clean and dry them off after the awful wet weather episode at Herne Bay with a weekend in which we once again incurred heavy losses, if this keeps up we'll just abandon all the rallies and cut our overheads and rely on internet traffic, less is more in these circumstances and no more getting up in the middle of the night. It seems like a load lifted off my back already, I just hope now after a nice bottle of Mouton Cadet with Mark's beef pie and treacle tart from Mark's that we do actually have a reasonable weekend at Lathalmond as otherwise spirits will drive us to that inevitable decision to turn more fully to trucks than is already the trend. Buses just mean hassle and the weird and wonderful ideas people have distract us from our life times work. I'm going to get clips from Kent on Youtube tonight, I want to enter up the info we received from Hong Kong on the Japanese films and then carry on posting the next tranche of scenes and thus hopefully get three correctly identified films out with a great introduction to our work for the many Japanese viewers we hope to welcome to our Youtube channel. Meanwhile shots from Canterbury on Saturday morning. Comments are closed.
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