Yes greetings as I start to put the PMP shops 9on to holiday mode, EBay says we are away although we will post while we can until late Friday and Amazon has to be suspended as they have no holiday mode and the PMP shop has carried a notification for several weeks and we shall clear these and EBay as soon as we return. We fly out on Saturday morning on Qatar via Doha perhaps we'll meet the runners coming back. Anyway to day I returned home from a day out filming to the second parking penalty from Holiday Inn Express agents Parking Eye despite Holiday Inns promise to sort it I've now contacted the chief honcho at IHG Keith Barr an American ( how come they can work in the UK, under EU rules surely they must offer it to all EU citizens first? We'll see what happens next, really cheesed off with them. The trip today took advantage of the sunny weather in some parts which at this time of year best suits lorries, this took me first to Immingham where there was a fantastic reaction from all drivers with hoots, waves, smiles, thumbs up and flashing lights from all nationalities, certainly an EU of the truck world lets hope this is not disrupted by the Tory maniacs and the bestial support from the leavers who expect that we shall be able to survive alone in the world, perhaps a study of history would demonstrate otherwise. After Immingham the smallest of clouds were starting to form and I arrived at Hull and confirmed 'my' roundabout had vanishes ( almost) and was no use for truck filming but I already knew that would be the case and used my usual parking spot and a 5 minute walk to the other side of the bridge which worked even better than the roundabout did which was pleasing and then the clouds really started to gather as I finished just the one film there. The temperature had been freezing first thing, thick ice on the car windscreen and it was misery at Immingham with cold hands, slightly warmer at Hull. Finished off with abuse from passing car in Hull, that most wretched city in the most wretched county perhaps the most violent and aggressive in Europe. Anyway start with shots from Immingham. Getting car paint fixed first thing tomorrow not sure about any chances of filming before we leave for Indonesia on Saturday. Comments are closed.
PMP Sponsors the North West Vehicle Restoration Trust at Kirkby.
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